Stephen Goldin - Biografia-Bibliografia

17 novembre 2021 Stephen Goldin - Biografia-Bibliografia

Stephen Goldin - Biografia-Bibliografia -

Note biografiche e bibliografia di Stephen Goldin

Stephen Goldin - Biografia
Biografia e foto di Stephen Goldin

Stephen Charles Goldin, nato a Filadelfia in Pennsylvania il 28 febbraio 1947 è uno scrittore americano di fantasy e fantascienza.

N.B. Biografia in allestimento.

Una fotografia di Stephen Goldin

Stephen Goldin - Bibliografia

Romanzi in serie
  • Deborah Rabinowitz Mysteries / Detective William Hoy
    • The Height of Intrigue 1994 (racconto)
    • The Sword Unswayed 1998 (racconto)
    • Alien Murders 2009 (raccolta)
  • Family D'Alembert / Agents of ISIS Universe
    1. Family D'Alembert (con E.E. 'Doc' Smith)
      1. Imperial Stars 1976 o The Imperial Stars 1976
      2. Stranglers' Moon 1976
      3. The Clockwork Traitor 1977
      4. Getaway World 1977
      5. Appointment at Bloodstar 1978 o The Bloodstar Conspiracy 1978
      6. The Purity Plot 1978
      7. Planet of Treachery 1982
      8. Eclipsing Binaries 1983
      9. The Omicron Invasion 1984
      10. Revolt of the Galaxy 1985
    2. Agents of ISIS
      1. 1 Tsar Wars 2010
      2. 2 Treacherous Moon 2010
      3. 3 Robot Mountain 2010
      4. 4 Sanctuary Planet 2010
      5. 5 Stellar Revolution 2010
      6. 6 Purgatory Plot 2010
      7. 7 Traitors' World 2010
      8. 8 Counterfeit Stars 2010
      9. 9 Outworld Invaders 2010
      10. 10 Galactic Collapse 2010
  • Mindsaga
    1. Mindflight 1978
    2. Mindsearch 2002
  • Rehumanization of Jade Darcy
    1. Jade Darcy and the Affair of Honor 1988 (con Mary Mason)
    2. Jade Darcy and the Zen Pirates 1990 (con Mary Mason)
  • Scavenger Hunt
    1. Scavenger Hunt 1976
    2. Finish Line 1976
    • Scavenger Hunt 2001 (raccolta contiene i volumi della serie)
  • Star Trek Universe
    1. Star Trek: The Original Series
  • Star Trek: Bantam Books
    • 7 Trek to Madworld 1979
      • 1988 - Destinazione Madworld Star Trek 10, Garden Editoriale
  • The Parsina Saga
    1. Shrine of the Desert Mage 1988
    2. The Storyteller and the Jann 1988
    3. Crystals of Air and Water 1989
    4. Treachery of the Demon King 2002
    • The Dungeons of Ravan 1985 (racconto)
    • The Castle at the Top of the World 1986 (racconto)
    • Caravan 1975
    • Herds 1975
    • Assault on the Gods 1977
    • The Eternity Brigade 1980
    • Crossroads of the Galaxy 1981 o Nexus 1: Crossroads of the Galaxy 1981 (come Steven Charles)
    • A World Called Solitude 1981
    • And Not Make Dreams Your Master 1981
    • Polly! 2008
    • Quiet Post 2014
    • Into the Out 2016
    • The Last Ghost and Other Stories 1999
    • Star Rooks 2004 (con Kathleen Sky)
    • Angel in Black 2010
    • Ghosts, Girls, & Other Phantasms 2011
    • Protostars 1971 (con David Gerrold)
    • Generation 1972 (con David Gerrold)
    • The Alien Condition 1973
    • Alternities 1974 (con David Gerrold)
    • Ascents of Wonder 1977 (con David Gerrold)
Racconti in serie
  • Angel in Black
    • Bride of the Wind 1970
    • For Services Rendered 1970
    • The Chenoo 1971
    • In the Land of Angra Mainyu 1975
    • The Masai Witch 1983
    • The Girls on USSF 193 1965
    • Sweet Dreams, Melissa 1968
    • The Last Ghost 1971 (raccont breve)
      • 1977 - L'ultimo fantasma in Protostar Fantapocket 11, Longanesi & C.
    • The World Where Wishes Worked 1971 (racconto breve)
      • 1977 - Il mondo dei desideri in Protostar Fantapocket 11, Longanesi & C.
    • Stubborn 1972 (racconto breve)
    • Nor Iron Bars a Cage 1973 (con C.F. Hensel)
    • Harriet 1973 (con C.F. Hensel)
    • A Nice Place to Visit 1973
    • Of Love, Free Will and Grey Squirrels on a Summer Evening 1974
    • But As a Soldier, for His Country 1974
    • Prelude to a Symphony of Unborn Shouts 1975
    • Xenophobe 1975
    • When There's No Man Around 1977
    • Portrait of the Artist as a Young God 1977
    • Painting the Roses Red 1980 (con Kathleen Sky)
    • Apollyon Ex Machina 1980
    • The Devil Behind the Leaves 1981 (con Kathleen Sky)
    • One Step at a Time 1982 (con Grant Carrington)
    • Grim Fairy Tale 1999
    • Haunted Houses 1999
    • The Djinn Garden 2009
    • Prolog 2010