Bibliografia - Racconti di Kit Reed

12 luglio 2023 Bibliografia - Racconti di Kit Reed

Bibliografia - Racconti di Kit Reed -

Bibliografia - I Racconti di Kit Reed

Kit Reed - Bibliografia - Racconti
Bibliografia e Racconti di Kit Reed
Una fotografia di Kit Reed

Kit Reed - Racconti

    • The Wait 1958 o To Be Taken in a Strange Country 1967
    • Devotion 1958 (racconto breve)
    • The Reign of Tarquin the Tall 1958
    • Judgement 1959
    • Here, Kitty Kitty 1959
    • Empty Nest 1959
    • Ordeal 1960
    • The Quest 1960
    • Two in Homage 1960
    • Judas Bomb 1961
      • 1970 - La bomba ai giovani! in Vedremo domani Urania 534, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore
      • 1981 - La bomba ai giovani! in Immaginatevi Aperture, Edizioni Scolastiche Bruno Mondadori
    • Piggy 1961
    • To Lift a Ship 1962
    • Mister Da V. 1962
      • 1972 - Mister Da V. in Il passo dell'ignoto Omnibus, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore
      • 1991 - Mister Da V. in Il quarto libro della fantascienza Supercoralli, Einaudi
      • 1992 - Mister Da V. in Il quarto libro della fantascienza Einaudi Tascabili. Letteratura 115, Einaudi
    • The New You 1962
      • 1969 - Il vostro nuovo io in Il terzo libro delle metamorfosi Urania 508, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore
    • Tell Me, Doctor - Please 1963
    • Automatic Tiger 1964
    • Cynosure 1964
    • Rescue Mission 1964
    • On the Orphans' Colony 1964
    • At Central 1967
    • Golden Acres 1967
    • I Am Through with Bus Trips 1967
    • Janell Harmon's Testament 1967
    • Sisohpromatem 1967
    • The Food Farm 1967
    • The Vine 1967
    • Thing of Snow 1969
    • Winter 1969
    • Winston 1969
    • Death of a Monster 1970
    • Gran 1970 (racconto breve)
    • Across the Bar 1971
    • Underground 1971
    • In the Squalus 1972
    • Dog Days 1972 (racconto breve)
    • In Behalf of the Product 1973
    • Great Escape Tours, Inc. 1974
      • 1977 - Grandi Evasioni S.p.A. in Ultima tappa Oscar 815, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore
    • Songs of War 1974 (racconto lungo)
    • Mr. Rabbit 1975
    • The Attack of the Giant Baby 1975 (racconto breve)
      • 1976 - Babygigante in I superstiti di Ragnarok, Urania 711, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore
      • 1980 - L'attacco del bebé gigante in La scimmia e l'incubo I Libri della Paura 15 (7), SIAD Edizioni
    • A Mother's Instinct 1976
    • The Thing at Wedgerley 1976 (racconto breve)
    • The Wandering Gentile 1976
    • The Holdouts 1977
    • Shan 1978
    • The Weremother 1979
    • Chicken Soup 1980
    • The Visible Partner 1980
      • 1983 - L'amico dell'uomo invisibile in L'Eternauta 15, Edizioni Produzioni Cartoons
    • Pilots of the Purple Twilight 1981
    • Moon 1981
    • Final Tribute 1981
    • Frontiers 1982
    • The Bride of Bigfoot 1984
    • A Unique Service 1986
    • Alumni Fund 1986
    • Hubbies: A Note 1986
    • Into the Parlor 1986
    • Love Story 1986
    • The Marriage Bug 1986
    • The Dog of Truth 1986
    • The Revenge of the Senior Citizens 1986
    • Baby 1988
    • The Protective Pessimist 1988
    • Mommy 1989
      • 1993 - Mommy in Estate Horror 1993. Mostri. 37 racconti Horror 4, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore
    • The Jonahs 1989
    • The Garden Club 1989
    • A Double 1990
    • In the Palace of the Dictator 1990
    • Calling Hours 1991
    • River 1991
    • Academic Novel 1992
    • Clement 1992
    • Prisoner of War 1992
    • Queen of the Beach 1992
    • Thief of Lives 1992
    • Victory Dreams 1992
    • Journey to the Center of the Earth 1992
    • Fourth of July 1992
    • Tapeworm 1992
    • The Hall of New Faces 1992
      • 1993 - L'atelier delle facce nuove in Millemondinverno 1993: 16 racconti Millemondi 44, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore
    • The Boxing Day Spectre 1993
    • Like My Dress 1993
    • The Last Resort 1993
    • Opera News for the Dumb 1994
    • The Singing Marine 1995
    • Voyager 1996
    • Whoever 1996
    • Rajmahal 1997
    • Last Fridays 1998
    • Mommy Nearest 1998
    • The Mothers of Shark Island 1998
    • Unlimited 1998
    • On the Penal Colony 1998
    • Slumber 1999
    • Precautions 2000
    • Captive Kong 2001
    • Playmate 2001
    • Old Soldiers 2001
    • The Last Big Sin 2002
    • Missing Sam 2002
    • Visiting the Dead 2003
    • Into the Jungle 2003
    • Incursions 2003
    • Focus Group 2003
    • No Two Alike 2003
    • Family Bed 2004 o Escape from Shark Island 2004
    • Perpetua 2004
    • The Zombie Prince 2004
    • Yard Sale 2004
    • High Rise High 2004
    • Song of the Black Dog 2005
    • Spies 2005
    • Getting It Back 2005
    • Grand Opening 2005
    • The Shop of Little Horrors 2005
    • Bronze (excerpt 2006
    • Biodad 2006
    • What Wolves Know 2007
    • Special 2009
    • Camp Nowhere 2009
    • Doing the Butterfly 2009
    • Denny 2009
    • The Blight Family Singers 2009
    • The Chaise 2010
    • Monkey Do 2010
    • Akbar 2010
    • Aunt Lizzie 2011
    • Baby Brother 2011
    • Weston Walks 2011
    • The Outside Event 2011
    • Tamsin 2012
    • Results Guaranteed 2012
    • How It Works 2013
    • Wherein We Enter the Museum 2013
    • The Legend of Troop 13 2013
    • Sissy 2013
    • Military Secrets 2015
    • Kickenders 2015
    • The Ebony Crucifix 2015
    • Disturbance in the Produce Aisle 2017